Can Betta Fish Eat Goldfish Food? Complete Feeding Guide & FAQ

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Can betta fish eat goldfish food? – This is a common question asked by many new betta fish owners. If you don’t have Betta fish food, you can temporarily feed Betta fish goldfish food. But it should not be their primary diet. And feeding all the time is not conducive to their growth and nutrition.

Betta fish and goldfish both are very popular fish as pets. As a responsible fish owner, your main job is to ensure the health and well-being of your fish. Many people have both beta fish and goldfish in their homes. But they buy one type of food and feed the same food to both betta and goldfish.

Betas are carnivores and goldfish are omnivores. Betta fish can eat goldfish food, but goldfish food is not very healthy for them. As carnivores, betta fish need a lot of protein to stay healthy, which is partially contained in the goldfish diet. A balance of animal and plant foods is not good for them.

Temporarily, you can feed your betta fish goldfish food. But feeding this food for a long time is not conducive to the proper growth of betta fish. In this article, we will discuss whether bettas can eat or not goldfish food, address their dietary needs, and the potential risks associated with feeding them this type of food.

What do betta fish eat in the wild?

Wild Betta fish are carnivores. They live in warm, shallow, and still water. Here they eat mosquito larvae, bloodworms, Brine Shrimp, juvenile fish, and other small aquatic animals. All these foods contain high levels of animal protein.

Mosquito Larvae: Mosquito larvae are an ideal food for betta fish, being highly nutritious. These larvae are found in abundance in the wild. This fish is kept not only for its beauty but also to help control mosquitoes in stagnant waters across Southeast Asia. Sometimes mosquitoes can lay eggs in aquarium water. Fish, by eating mosquito eggs and larvae, prevent mosquito breeding and enrich themselves with nutrients.

Bloodworms: Bloodworms are another popular betta fish food. Bloodworms are not worms at all, they are midge fly larvae. Their color is bright red. These are high-quality foods rich in protein and nutrients for your betta. They also brighten the skin color of betta fish. These are always available at your local pet store. But these foods should never be eaten in excess. You can feed your betta fish this food once a week. One or two bloodworms a week is sufficient for a betta fish. Be sure to remove the residue from the tank water after feeding. Because they can contaminate the aquarium water.

Live Brine Shrimp: Brine shrimp is an excellent food for betta fish. It is rich in protein and fiber. When you add live brine shrimp to your betta tank, the betta fish will chase them around the tank to eat them. Because bettas hunt in the wild, bettas develop that sensation when eating live brine shrimp in tanks. Stimulation is created in their mind which is beneficial for their health.

Do not feed brine shrimp to your betta fish more than 2-3 times a week because it contains more fat. There is one disadvantage of feeding live brine shrimp. That is, there is a risk of disease and illness transferring from it to your beta.

Daphnia: It is a type of small aquatic fish. It is great for improving the digestive system of betta fish. If your fish have constipation problems, this is a great remedy for them.

Other Small Aquatic Fish: As we already know, betta fish are predators and carnivores. This means that they will have fun hunting and eating any other small fish that live around them.


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What Can Betta Fish Eat When Kept in an Aquarium?

The best betta fish diets include a variety of live foods such as mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, bloodworms, freeze-dried food, and betta flakes or pellets that are high in protein. Keeping your betta happy and healthy requires a balanced diet that is rich in protein, as they are carnivores.

Pellets For Betta Fish

Pellets are a healthy and balanced food for betta fish. It is available at all aquarium fish stores. They are often fresh and packed with all the nutrients your betta fish needs.
Soak this food in water for some time before feeding. This will reduce the digestive problems of betta fish.

Flakes for Betta Fish

Another great food for betta fish is betta flakes. It contains all the nutrients that betta fish need. Although not as nutritious as live food, these flakes are perfect for betta fish nutrition.
Do not add too much food to the tank when feeding betta fish flakes. Because they sink much faster than other foods.
If you use too much, they may rot in the substrate. As a result, the water in the tank becomes contaminated.

Frozen And Dried Food

Freeze-dried food is a balanced diet for your betta. These are freeze-dried animals. They contain more nutrients than flakes and pellets.

Although this food is slightly low in moisture. For this reason, they are somewhat difficult to digest. However, freeze-dried food will contain a lot of roughage, which is good for your betta’s digestive system. Tanks are less contaminated by frozen food.

Live Foods

The most nutritious food for your betta is live food. It is mainly insects and small invertebrate aquatic animals.
Live food is generally best for bettas, but it has some downsides. This leads to the risk of parasitic infection. These parasites can enter the body of your betta fish, causing the fish to become sick or even die.

Betta fish will be happy to see live animals in the tank. Because they will enjoy the fun of hunting and eating as they do in the wild.

Betta fish eat Bloodworms,Brine Shrimp,Mosquito Larvae

Similarities Between Betta Fish And Goldfish Diet

Both goldfish and betta fish eat animal food. Betta fish also eat frozen food and live food like goldfish.
These foods are rich in protein. That is why they are healthy for betta fish and goldfish. This food helps to brighten the color of the fish

Differences Between Betta Fish And Goldfish Diet

Goldfish is an omnivorous fish. As omnivores, goldfish eat both plants and animals. Betta fish do not eat plant food. Goldfish eat snails, green algae, worms, fish eggs, and aquatic animals in the wild.

What Will Happen If You Feed Your Betta Goldfish Food?

Although betta fish can eat and digest goldfish food. However, long-term feeding of this food can cause health problems in Betta fish. This is because goldfish are omnivores. A goldfish diet consists of a mixture of animal ingredients with fruits, vegetables, and plant ingredients. Betta fish are carnivores. Eating plant food can be fatal for any carnivore.


Can Betta Fish Eat Human food?

It is well known that humans are omnivores. Humans can eat both animal and plant foods. The human digestive system is designed that way. People eat fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, eggs, milk, spices, etc.
On the other hand, Betta fish are carnivores. Their digestive system is suitable for digesting non-vegetarian food. In nature, betta fish hunt and eat small aquatic animals.

Now, if you don’t have or run out of Betta fish food, you can temporarily feed your Betta fish human food.

You can feed your betta fish peeled motor, green vegetables, cucumber, boiled corn, meat, and fish. But this food should be consumed in minimum quantity. Never feed bread, spices, and spicy food to Betta fish

Can Betta Fish Get Sick From Eating Goldfish Food?

Goldfish are omnivores, and their diet consists of a mixture of carbohydrates and proteins. Betta fish are carnivores and need a lot of protein for their health. If the betta fish is fed goldfish food regularly, the betta’s body will be deficient in protein. Lack of protein causes lethargy in betta fish. Fish become weak. At this opportunity, other fish in the tank may attack the betta.

Betta fish can turn white and discolored due to a lack of proper diet and nutrition. If you feed goldfish food to your betta fish for a long time, the betta fish will suffer from malnutrition. Their mental stress will increase, and normal growth will be disturbed. It can cause digestive problems in them.

How Often Should A Betta Fish Eat?

Proper feeding is very important to the health of your fish. Underfeeding can be just as harmful as overfeeding. If you feed them the wrong food they won’t get the nutrients they need, and if you feed them too often or too much they will bloat.
How much food to feed betta fish also depends on their age and gender. Feeding betta fish twice a day is beneficial for their health. 3 to 4 medium-sized pills in the morning and 3-4 pills at night are sufficient for their nutrition.

Some owners prefer to fast their betta fish for 24 hours once every 10-15 days. It helps reduce the chances of constipation.

Frozen and Dried Food For Betta Fish

Sometimes excess food sinks under the water. They then decompose into waste and contaminate the tank water. This dirty water is one of the causes of fish diseases. For this reason, never feed fish more than they need. Overfeeding can cause flatulence and digestive problems and even kill the fish

How Long Can Betta Fish Go Without Food?

How long can betta fish go without food? Betta fish owners must know the answer to this question. When you go on a vacation or a tour for a while, the thought comes to mind about how to feed the betta fish or how long they can survive without food.

Betta fish are small in size, but they are incredibly tough. Any wild betta can survive 10 to 15 days without food. A pet betta fish in an aquarium can survive without food for 5 to 10 days.

Remember that the maximum time your betta can go without food should be four to five days. After this time, the fish will start to starve.
It is not healthy to go without fish for so long.

Long periods without food can stress your fish, increase aggression levels, and severely affect your betta’s ability to fight infection.

What to do if Betta Fish does not want to eat?

Why Betta Fish Not Eating

There are many reasons why bettas may not want to eat fish. Stress is one of the most common reasons for not eating betta fish. One way to reduce stress is to add live foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp to the tank.
Betas prefer live foods and will be more than happy to eat them by hunting them down.

If your betta is healthy but not eating, try changing its food or adding floating plants to the tank.

Check your betta fish’s body thoroughly. Look for white spots on the body, cloudy eyes, lethargy, torn fins, or other problems. If you find a problem such as betta fish getting sick, take immediate action.

Final Words

Every animal whether carnivore or vegetarian or omnivore should eat according to their nature. When you know that betta fish are carnivores, it would be unwise to experiment with their food. If you don’t have betta fish food, you can temporarily feed the betta fish goldfish, or other fish food for a day or two. Avoid underfeeding or overfeeding the betta fish. Let the Betta fish fast for one day every 10 to 15 days.


Questions:- What is the best food for a betta?

Ans: -Live foods such as mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, bloodworms and other small aquatic insects are the best food for betta fish.
Additionally, freeze-dried and frozen foods such as betta flakes or pellets containing high protein are very beneficial for betta fish health.

Questions:- What food is safe for betta fish?

Live food with high protein content is the best food for betta fish. Also, beta pellets and flakes are great as a nutritional food. However, betta fish should never be underfed or overfed. Underfeeding will cause betta fish to suffer from malnutrition while overfeeding will cause digestive problems and even death due to bloat.

Questions:- How many flakes to feed betta fish?

Feeding betta fish twice a day is beneficial for their health. 3 to 4 medium-sized pills in the morning and 3-4 pills at night are sufficient for their nutrition.

Questions:- Can Betta Fish Eat Tropical Flakes?

Ans: – Betta fish are mainly tropical. So they can be fed tropical fish flakes.
Tropical fish flakes are formulated for carnivores or omnivores and contain at least 30% protein. Tropical fish flakes are formulated for carnivores or omnivores and contain at least 30% protein. Tropical fish flakes are rich in protein, which helps build your betta’s body as well as take care of its immune system. The multivitamin content of tropical fish flakes keeps their digestive system clean and the color-enhancing nutrients keep your beets vibrant.

Questions:- What type of food should betta fish not feed?

Ans:- Betta fish are carnivores so they must be fed a meat-based diet and not the dry, vegetable-based pellets that most tropical fish are fed.

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