Full Moon Betta Fish: Complete Care Guide

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Full Moon Betta Fish is one of the most stunning and mind-blowing species of Betta Fish. Their stunning appearance and unique features have given them a distinct identity. In this article, we will discuss in detail the care, tank setup, food, etc. of this aquatic animal.

These magnificent creatures, known for their vibrant colors and graceful fins, have captivated the hearts of fish lovers around the world. If you have a full moon betta fish in your collection, are considering adding one, or are curious about this aquatic wonder, you’ve come to the right place.


Betta fish are also known as Siamese fighting fish. Similarly, the full moon betta fish is known as the super delta betta fish. This unique subspecies of Betta fish is famous for its exceptionally full and paired fins.

The full moon betta fish got its name mainly because of the shape of its tail. There is another species of betta fish called the HALF MOON betta fish. I think, as a betta fish lover, you must know that.



Difference between a Half Moon and a Full Moon Betta Fish

The Half Moon Betta fish has a single tail and can reach 180 degrees in length when it is fully spread. The FULL MOON betta fish has two crescent-shaped tails. When the tail is fully extended, its length can reach more than 180 degrees.

Simply put, the Half Moon Betta fish has a tail. And FULL MOON betta fish have a pair of tails. The total length of this pair of tails is more than 180 degrees

Let’s say here, full moon betta fish is also called the double tail betta fish.

The distinction and naming of the two fishes are due to the shape and length of their tails. Hopefully, from now on, you will make no more mistakes in identifying the Half Moon and Full Moon betta fish.


Features of Full Moon Betta Fish

Full moon betta fish have several unique characteristics that set them apart from other betta fish species. Understanding these characteristics is essential to providing optimal care and ensuring good health for your full moon betta.

Symmetrical shape of fins

One of the defining characteristics of Full Moon Betta fish is the symmetrical shape of their fins. Their tail fins, in particular, resemble a perfect crescent moon when fully extended. This symmetry adds to their overall beauty and elegance.

Color variation

Full Moon Betta fish come in many stunning colors and patterns. Whether you prefer bold, vibrant colors or subtle pastels, there’s a full moon betta for every taste. The variety of standard colors includes single colors, two colors, and marble patterns.

Passionate movement

The graceful and smooth movements of the fish fill your heart with joy. Their long fins float through the water, creating a mesmerizing display that is both relaxing and visually stimulating.

Territorial behavior

Like all betta fish, Full Moon bettas can be territorial and show aggression toward other fish, especially males. It is important to consider giving them enough space and keeping them in separate tanks.


What to do to keep full moon betta fish healthy and happy

Keeping a full moon betta fish happy and healthy requires attention to its specific needs. Let’s talk about what to do to keep your aquatic companion happy and healthy.

1. Tank setup For Full Moon Betta Fish

Tank Size: Choose a tank that is at least 5-gallon or larger for your full moon betta fish. Where he will have enough space to swim and explore.

Filtration: Use a gentle filter to maintain water quality, but make sure it doesn’t create strong currents.

Temperature: Always keep tank water temperatures between 78-82°F (25-28°C). Use a heater for this.

Decorations: In the wild, Betta fish like to rest and hide. So put some decorations in the tank that will meet their wild habitat needs. For this, you can use live and silk plants or sinking or floating logs. You can find them easily at any pet store or online.

Don’t use any uneven decorative items that could get stuck and tear or damage your betta’s fins and tail.

Substrate: Choose a soft substrate such as sand or smooth gravel to protect their delicate fins. But they need to be cleaned regularly.


2. Water parameters for Full Moon Betta Fish

pH Level: Maintain a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5. A water test kit can be used for this.

Ammonia and Nitrite: Always try to keep the tank clean. Remember that unclean and contaminated water can make your fish sick. Regular tank cleaning keeps ammonia and nitrite levels at zero.

Water Change: Do a 30-40% partial water change every week. Remove any leftover fish food that accumulates at the bottom of the tank from the water. This will make the tank water less polluted.

3. Diet for Full Moon Betta Fish

High-quality pellets: Betta pellets, specially formulated for betta fish, are a high-quality food that will meet the nutritional needs of your full moon betta.

Live Food for Half Moon Betta: In nature, betta fish survive by eating mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, bloodworms, and other insects and their larvae. If you can feed them live food once or twice a week, it will be very beneficial for their health. This will keep their body color bright. They will not suffer from malnutrition.

Do not overfeed: Never overfeed your full moon betta fish. Feed them 3/4 of the pellets twice a day. Overfeeding can be harmful to their health. Fast the Full Moon Betta for 24 hours after every 10 to 12 days.

Frozen food: Frozen bloodworms, freeze-dried bloodworms, and brine shrimp are also nutritious foods for betta fish.

4. Social considerations

Solitary Species: This species of Betta fish likes to live alone, especially males. So keep your full moon betta fish in a tank alone.

5. Health maintenance

Monitoring: Always monitor the health of your Full Moon Betta Fish. Check if they are eating, if they are active, and if they are swimming properly. If you notice any discrepancies, take immediate action.


Full moon bettas are not just fish; They are living works of art that can enhance your aquarium like no other. Maintaining and caring for this fish is not a difficult task. By taking care of their specific needs and creating a pleasant environment in the aquarium, you can provide them with a fulfilling life in your aquatic world.


Questions: Can I keep full moon bettas with other fish?

Ans: Because of their territorial nature, full moon bettas are best left alone.

Questions: What is the difference between half moon betta and full moon beta?

Ans: Halfmoon and fullmoon bettas are quite similar but to tell them apart, look at their tails. While the Halfmoon Betta fish has only one tail that reaches 180 degrees when fully spread, the Fullmoon has twice that tail and can reach more than 180 degrees when fully spread.

Questions: How much water does a Full Moon Betta Fish need to be happy?

Ans: Betta fish should be kept in a tank that can hold at least 5 gallons or more of water. However, betta fish can survive in small tanks. But they will not be happy there.

Questions: What is the average lifespan of a full moon betta?

Ans: With proper care, full moon bettas can live for 3-5 years on average.

Questions: What is the ideal water temperature for full moon bettas?

Ans: Betta fish is a tropical fish. Temperatures between 78°F and 82°F (25°C – 28°C) are ideal for their health.

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