Betta Fish Laying on Bottom of the Tank: What is the Reason and What to Do

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There are many reasons why your betta fish Laying on Bottom of the tank. In most cases, this is a common matter. However, it may happen that your betta fish is sick. Fish also behave like this due to a lack of oxygen in the tank’s water or because the water temperature is not suitable for bettas.

Betta fish are popular for their bright colors and flowing fins. They are always active. When you notice that your betta fish is inactive, the natural question that comes to mind is, Why is my betta fish behaving like this?

Many people also ask why my betta fish laying on side of the tank.

Read this article till the end for details on why betta fish do this and what to do if it is not normal.

Why Is Betta Fish Laying On Bottom of Tank?

Betta Fish Laying on bottom of the tank because your betta fish may be resting or sleeping. Or the water quality of the tank may deteriorate.

Betta fish resting

Like humans and other animals, betta fish need rest and sleep. Although they do not fall into deep sleep. So if you find that your betta fish lying on bottom of the tank for a while, it is not a bad thing.

But if you notice that the beta fish is lying on the side of the tank most of the time, then it is definitely a concern.

Betta Fish Laying on Bottom Of Tank Because it is Sick

If you notice that the Betta fish is lying on bottom of the tank most of the time, then this is a sign that your Betta fish is sick.

There are various causes of Betta fish illness, which we will now discuss


The main cause of constipation in betta fish is an improper diet. The food you are feeding the betta fish may not be digesting properly. It could be that you are feeding your betta fish too much food that they are unable to digest. Because of these reasons, Betta fish can suffer from constipation.

How to cure constipation

Notice if your betta fish has a bloated belly. If this is the case, it means that the food they are eating is not being digested properly.

  • Fast the betta fish for a day to eliminate this problem.
  • To cure constipation, feed the betta fish a high-fiber diet. Peas are high in fiber. Eating a piece of pea will help a lot.
  • In a separate tank, dissolve 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt in 2 gallons of water. Keep your betta fish in that water for 10 minutes. It is an effective remedy for Betta fish constipation.

Betta fish laying on side of the tank

The Betta fish is suffering from Swim Bladder Disease

Sometimes overfeeding can cause betta fish to have a bloated stomach and a narrow bladder. Then it becomes very difficult for the betta fish to move and swim. Betta fish cannot maintain body balance. You will notice that your betta fish is swimming sideways or upside down. This means he is feeling pressure in the bladder.

This is a very serious problem that can even lead to fish deaths.

How to Avoid Swim Bladder Disease

  • Avoid overfeeding the fish to avoid this problem.
  • Do not feed betta fish for a day or more.
  • Feed high-fiber foods such as peas, daphnia

Betta fish are infected with parasites

Parasites are tiny organisms that take shelter in the bodies of other animals and survive by collecting food from their bodies. If the parasites take shelter in the body of a betta fish, it can cause various physical problems in the betta fish.

Parasites feed on fish scales and skin. Some parasites enter the body of the fish and feed on the blood and the intestines. Because of this, betta fish become sick. This is another reason why betta fish laying on bottom of the tank.

How to avoid parasite infection

When you add something new to a Betta fish tank, it is more likely that the Betta fish will be infected with parasites. Betta fish are more likely to be infected with parasites, especially from live food and new tank mates.

Therefore, before adding anything to the fish tank, quarantine them in another tank for two to three days. You can add some white salt to the water in the quarantine tank. The parasites will weaken and die.

Poor water quality is the best habitat for beta fish parasites. Therefore, clean the tank regularly and try to maintain a healthy environment in the tank.

Betta Fish Fin Rot

Another reason why your betta fish is lying on bottom of the tank is that it may be suffering from fin rot.

Ammonia levels rise when tank water becomes too dirty. which rots the fins of betta fish. As a result, the fish became weak. Dirty water also increases the number of bacteria. These bacteria attack the weakened fish and cause them to die.

Symptoms of Fin Rot

  • The color of the edge of the fin becomes black, red, or white.
  • The ends of the fins are tearing and falling off.
  • Small holes are visible in the fins
  • The color of the fins is fading.

How to Cure Fin Rot

  • Quarantine the betta fish in a separate tank.
  • Add 2 teaspoons of aquarium salt to 2 gallons of water. Keep your betta fish in this water for 2-3 days. Make the mixture again every 2-3 days and change the old water. Treat the fish like this for 7 to 10 days.
  • Antibiotics should be used to treat excess fins
  • Antibiotics recommended for treating severe fin rot include Maracyn II, API Fungus Cure, API Furan-2, and Kanamycin.

Tank Setup And Water Quality

Betta fish is lying on bottom of the tank because the quality of the water in the tank is not correct.

Ideal water parameters for betta fish are:

  • Minimum tank size: 5 gallons (18.9 L)
  • Water temperature: 78-80° F (25.6-26.7° C)
  • pH: 6.5-7.0

Temperature Fluctuation in Tank Water

Betta fish are tropical fish. They mainly prefer to live in warm water. Sudden increases or decreases in tank water temperature are another cause of betta fish laying on bottom of tank. A temperature of 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for betta fish growth.

When the water temperature drops, the betta fish feels a cold shock in their body. As a result, the stress on the betta fish increases. Many times they stop feeding and lay inactive at the bottom of the tank.

If the water temperature goes above 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Even so, it is impossible for betta fish to tolerate it.

If the water temperature decreases, then use a heater, and if it increases, then change the tanker water

Low oxygen

Betta fish have a special organ. It is called the labyrinth organ. With this, they can take oxygen directly from the air. But despite that, if the tank water lacks oxygen, it is very harmful to betta fish. This causes the betta fish to become weak and appear to be lying at the bottom of the tank.

  • A bubbler or filter can be added to the fish tank to avoid this problem.

Ammonia Poisoning

Increased ammonia in tank water is harmful to betta fish. Excess food that the fish spoils accumulates at the bottom of the tank, creating ammonia. Ammonia poisoning leads to internal and external damage to your fish’s body. This causes the fish to become sick and lay at the bottom of the tank.

  • To avoid this problem, change the tank’s water regularly and keep the tank clean.

Nitrite Poisoning

Nitrite poisoning is another cause of betta fish laying on the bottom of the tank. Due to the increased level of nitrite in the tank water, a chemical reaction occurs in the body of the fish. The fish’s gills turn brown, and the oxygen concentration in the body decreases.

As the concentration of oxygen in the fish’s body decreases, they become lethargic and lie down at the bottom of the tank.

A healthy environment needs to be maintained in the tank to avoid this problem. Never allow waste material to accumulate at the bottom of the tank. And take care that the water in the tank does not get dirty in any way. Change the water regularly.

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Betta Fish Have Reached Old Age

The average lifespan of Betta fish is three to five years. As they age, they feel tired in their bodies. Male bettas, in particular, tire easily due to their heavy fins. Because of this, betta fish often lie on the side of the tank or under the tank to rest. However, betta fish will become active when it is time to eat or feel attracted to something else.

There is nothing you can do if the fish are tired due to old age and are laying at the bottom of the tank. Because he has reached the end of his life. All you can do in this situation is feed him nutritious food and maintain a healthy environment in the tank

Too Much Current in Betta Fish Tank

In the wild, betta fish live in still water without currents. They swim very slowly. If you use a high-capacity filter in the betta fish tank that creates too much current in the water, it becomes difficult for the betta fish to swim against the current. This is another reason why betta fish laying on the bottom of the tank.

To solve this problem, use a low-capacity filter in the betta fish tank so that the current in the water is low and the betta fish can swim freely.

Improper Eating Habits

Feeding a nutritious diet is very important to keep a betta fish healthy. In this case, remember that under-feeding or overfeeding is harmful to their health. This is another reason why betta fish laying on the bottom of the tank.
When fish are overfed, their stomachs swell, making it difficult for them to move. They will then stop swimming and lie on the bottom or side of the tank.

On the other hand, when fish are underfed, they suffer from malnutrition and become weak and inactive at the bottom of the tank.

Wrong Tank Mates

Betta fish are aggressive by nature. They like to be alone. Betta fish perceive other fish as a threat to themselves. If you put any other fish in the betta fish tank, the betta fish starts attacking that fish. This attack continues until the other fish is removed from the tank or the fish dies.

But betta fish are also sometimes afraid. Especially if the tankmate is large and aggressive, then they become inactive and hide.

That’s why aquarium experts recommend keeping only one fish in a betta fish tank.

How do you know if your betta fish is healthy?


Betta fish have a few signs of well-being. Which will tell you that your betta fish is healthy.

Sufficient appetite: Betta fish are very greedy for food. A betta fish will eat whatever you give it. If the betta fish is always interested in food, then you know that your betta fish is healthy.

Will move on all levels of water: Healthy bettas will swim up and down around the aquarium most of the time. Don’t spend too much time lying under or on the side of the tank.

Building a nest of bubbles: Male betta fish build their nests using bubbles. If you see bubble nests in your betta fish tank, it means your betta fish is healthy and looking for a mate.

Interested in things around: If you approach a betta fish, it will show interest in you. This is a sign that your betta fish is healthy.

Aggressive behavior: If a betta fish is shown its reflection in a mirror, it will show aggressive behavior by flaring its gills. And that means they are healthy and active.

A Betta fish lying on its side, is a sign of their death

If your Betta fish is lying on the side or bottom of the tank all the time, this is a bad sign.
Is your betta fish sick for a long time? Has he stopped eating? Did he get hit too hard for some reason and lay under the tank all the time, inactively?
If the answer to the above questions is yes, then you know that your betta fish has reached the end of its lifespan. There is nothing you can do in this case.


Keeping betta fish healthy is not a difficult task. The first step in keeping a betta fish healthy is to feed it a nutritious diet. Never underfeed or overfeed the fish.

Do not allow any leftover food or waste material to accumulate in the tank. Change the water regularly.

If you feed them the right food and maintain a healthy environment in the tank, you can expect your betta fish to live a happy and long life.

It is not unusual for Betta fish to occasionally lie down in the tank to rest or sleep.
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Questions: Why is Betta fish laying on bottom of tank after water change ?

Ans: Changing the water often changes the parameters of the water. Especially, when the water temperature becomes low or high. Betta fish find it very difficult to adapt to these changing temperatures. In this situation, the betta fish becomes weak and lies down in the tank.
Therefore, all the water in the tank should not be changed at once. 30-40% of the water should be changed.

Questions: Why is Betta fish laying on side of the tank ?

Ans: Betta fish tend to lie on their sides due to stress or pain due to illness, infection, improper water quality, physical injury, or bladder disorders.
You can prevent it from falling to the side of the tank by providing a nutritious diet, avoiding overcrowding, and maintaining tank hygiene.

Questions: How to Prevent a Fish from Lying on Its Side?

Ans: Feed the fish a balanced, nutritious diet. Maintain water quality. Maintain a healthy environment in the tank. Avoid overcrowding.

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